One of the most widespread and controversial creatures of dubious existence is Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, in reference to a hairy, bipedal hominid being. This being is usually described as 8' to 10' tall, sighted in remote wilderness areas of the United States and Canada, the Great Lakes, the Pacific Northwest, and the Rocky Mountains, mainly over the last 300 years. It is said, that this humanoid creature has been seen in the forests of northeastern New England and the southern United States. Contrary to other monsters, this being is not a single specimen, but researchers have found at least a few thousand of them reported in different places during all the time, including nearby military areas.
There is a slight misconceptions between Bigfoot or Sasquatch, and Yeti, who lives in the Himalayas, and the Abominable Snowman, a Tibetan primate-like popularized by the Western press in 1921 after a visit of the reporter Henry Newman to the Himalayas. However, there is a controversy related to Bigfoot, with some researchers and witnesses claiming that this creature can be found in most countries around the world, but known regionally under various names, otherwise, it is believed that creatures like Yeti, are closely related species.
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