Are John McCain and Sarah Palin really Saul Tigh and Laura Roslin?

Watching the whole Sarah Palin saga unfold, I can't help but think of Laura Roslin from Battlestar Galactica.

On the show, humanity is all but wiped out by the Cylons. The President is killed. In fact, most of the government is killed. The constitutional line of presidential succession ends up falling to the still-living Secretary of Education -- Laura Roslin -- who is then sworn in as President. And thus begins the storyline of the improbable ascension of a lowly schoolteacher to the Presidency.

If McCain is actually elected, and something happens to him, we will suddenly have the 'Laura Roslin Scenario': someone who has been trotted out for political optics and theatre... suddenly actually sitting in the Big Chair.

Now people will start getting the names Obama and Adama confused.

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