During Asia’s premier of “Stephen Spielberg Presents Taken,” few guests made as much impact on the audience as Jaime “Jimmy” Licauco, considered as the Philippines’ foremost authority on inner mind development, creative and intuitive management, paranormal phenomena and Philippine mysticism.
Quips about what lies beyond from Licauco could be overheard during the night of extraterrestrial what-ifs, since he was among the panelists (aside from veteran production designer Don Escudero and PAGASA’s Elmor Escosa) invited by STAR Movies and DREAM Satellite TV to grace the event at the CCP in Pasay City. But perhaps what really caught everyone’s attention was when he said, “I’m in touch with aliens.”
How could a man as well educated as Jimmy Licauco—and highly esteemed at that—accept alien life form as true, and even publicly acknowledge that he has contact with them? Well, the question apparently only adds to Licauco’s air of credibility, given his background and credentials.
What did these creatures from outer space tell Mr. Licauco? For one, he told the audience that they oppose nuclear weapons and biological warfare because of vested interests on Earth. According to Licauco, the demise of the Earth would upset the balance in the cosmos and would adversely affect other planetary systems.
Who could counter his reasoning and underlying principle for the engineering and architectural feats of the world’s greatest structures like the great pyramids, the Sphinx or Stonehenge? Surely not mankind, who at that time didn’t posses the intellect or machinery for such mammoth structures.
Simply put, according to Licauco, aliens, or rather, intelligent life forms do exist. His argument was that the universe is too big for life to be contained on a small planet [Earth], and that if it is, then what is the purpose of the rest of the huge expanse? And this was just the visible universe that they were discussing.
He said, and this is what is splashed on the home page of the ‘Inner Mind Institute’ website, “People cannot fully comprehend the extraterrestrial phenomenon because the mind knows no limits aside from those it accepts.” He argued that all the scientific talk and cover-up made to justify reported alien and unidentified flying object (UFO) sightings all over the world was because maybe the public is not ready for the truth. He also said—on the point that alien or UFO sightings were uncommon in the Philippines because traveling in space was measured by light years—that aliens and the technology they are capable of are not bound by space or time, that they existed on a higher “plane.”
If “defending” the fact that extraterrestrial life existed was not enough, Jimmy went on to tell the audience about a call he got during “Inner Mind on Radio,” a weekly 2-hour show over DZMM that Jimmy hosted. He said the caller was an old woman, probably in her mid or late 60s, who told him about a dream she had about being “taken” onboard an alien ship.
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